Tag: vCenter

  • How to Export and Import a VMware Virtual Machine using PowerCLI

    Run Windows PowerShell as Administrator Install PoweCLI: Install-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI Alternatively, you can download PowerCLI from here: https://code.vmware.com/tool/vmware-powercli Create a folder where you want to export the virtual machine. I’ll use the OVA format in this example. Note the path to the folder. Run PowerCLI as Administrator Load the PowerCLI module: Import-Module VMware.PowerCLI Connect to…

  • How to Increase Disk and Volume Size on a VMware Virtual Appliance



    Should you find that you’re running low on disk space on one of your volumes, SSH into the appliance and run the following commands: shell.set –enabled true (to enable shell access if not already enabled) df -h (to determine which volume is running low in disk space) Increase the disk size vpxd_servicecfg storage lvm autogrow…

  • VMware vCenter 5.5 to 6.5 migration stops at 75% Applying ActiveDirectory Configuration



    I ran into this problem during the migration from a Windows vCenter 5.5 to a 6.5 VCSA (vCenter Server Appliance). The installer appeared to be stuck at 75%. However, the installer actually went past that step and completed successfully. I learned this by logging in to the vCenter appliance management page on port 5480.