How to Repair Boot Files in Server 2008 R2



The following procedure is tested to be working on Server 2008 R2 but may also work on other operating systems.

  1. Boot the server into recovery mode (or from mounted ISO and select “Repair”)
  2. Launch the command prompt and run the following command to repair the MBR
    1. bootrec /fixmbr
  • Create a backup of the Boot Configuration Data (BCD), then rename the existing BCD
  • bcdedit /export c:\bcd_backup
  • c:
  • cd boot
  • attrib bcd -s -h -r
  • ren bcd bcd.old
  • Rebuild the BCD – enter “y” when prompted
  • bootrec /rebuildbcd
  • Bypass integrity checks that will prevent Windows to boot
  • bcdedit (note the Windows Boot Loader identifier – WBL)
  • bcdedit -set <WBL identifier> nointergritychecks 1
  • exit
  • Reboot the server